We all have bad days. So today i found myself messing about on the internet and found a great site that made me feel a little better.
Imagine approaching the dreaded ATM to take out your last few pennies and see what the new scary balance is....but as you approach the machine there is a pleasant surprise.
You are slogging away at the gym, thinking dam i wish i had her legs, or his determination or her arms....Then you gaze up and see....
A mad craving for sugar and something bad has kicked in. So with take you and your guilty concious to the convienent store....and as you approach the ice cream fridge you see...
After a bad break up you are heart broken, you turn and walk away and there you see...
This awesome site, has people sticking posters all over town in random spots with inspirational quirky sayings that we all forget for the next person to find.
It may not be there specifically for your rut, but it sure could make someone smile.
I think its a great idea and i am infact going to start this trend in my office just to see who i can make smile.
So i hope this make you smile today atleast.
Check out http://thingsweforget.blogspot.com/ for ideas and inspirations.
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