Sunday, 12 February 2012

Proceed with caution

When my brother invited me along for dinner and insisted he wanted to have Mexican I had to proceed with caution.
I am one of those people who have the most sensitive palette that even some sweet chilli sauces are too burnie for me, pepper is a no go and chilli’s are certainly out of bounds.
So of course places like Mexican, thai and indian leaves me with a slightly limited choice of flavors, ingredients and choices.
We went to a new place in Harfield Village Kenilworth Cape town called Zapatas. The décor was modern, fun and adorable, from textured wall paper, Mexican sombrero’s to Romeo and Juliet themed, crowned hearts and saints painted on the wall. I particularly like the painted ceiling which made you feel like you are sitting outside and the quirky comment in the corner; Jose Cuervo…Not!
And as any good Mexican place should have they had great frozen margaritas. I have decided they freeze the margarita only to help cool off your hot taste buds. So gladly enjoyed the first jug of strawberry flavor frozen margaritas, having not eaten all day I urgently suggested something to munch on.
We settled on chilli poppers, but with a difference, wrapped in bacon. I of course, proceeded with caution and in the end could not feel my tongue or cheeks and felt like I had fire coming out of my nose. So I proceeded to down a few more margaritas to cool off my taste buds.
I was further pleasantly surprised that they had much more variety for the ‘none spicy’ than I thought they would. After a few more deburning margaritas I needed to each something substantial as I had not eaten since late breakfast.
For mains I had bacon feta and avo quesadillas. The presentation was fun and interesting with side cups filled with condiments such as salsa, guacamole and sour cream. The portions were also pleasantly surprising with 4 quarters. I could only finish 3, and was stuffed. It was rather tasty, but thanks to our rather slow waitress a little cold.

Oh yes, the only down fall to this place was our waitress, she initially was like a fly on pooh constantly asking if we wanted anything and we kept flagging her off. Until our food arrived she was never anywhere to be seen. And when full and wanting the bill she took a small lifetime to reappear out of the kitchen.
All round I was very impressed that I could finally say I enjoyed a chilli popper and a night of Mexican and highly recommend Zapata’s to anyone keen on Mexican. Those with taste buds like mine…proceed with caution though.

Thursday, 17 November 2011


We all have bad days. So today i found myself messing about on the internet and found a great site that made me feel a little better.

Imagine approaching the dreaded ATM to take out your last few pennies and see what the new scary balance is....but as you approach the machine there is a pleasant surprise.
You are slogging away at the gym, thinking dam i wish i had her legs, or his determination or her arms....Then you gaze up and see....

A mad craving for sugar and something bad has kicked in. So with take you and your guilty concious to the convienent store....and as you approach the ice cream fridge you see...
After a bad break up you are heart broken, you turn and walk away and there you see...
This awesome site, has people sticking posters all over town in random spots with inspirational quirky sayings that we all forget for the next person to find.

It may not be there specifically for your rut, but it sure could make someone smile.

I think its a great idea and i am infact going to start this trend in my office just to see who i can make smile.

So i hope this make you smile today atleast.

Check out for ideas and inspirations.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Winter Sunrise Run

Middle of winter but who says a sea side morning run is such a bad thing. Well its not when the sun rise is as awesome as this. But when the wind is pumping and the there is a bitterly cold nip, you gotta just run faster so that you feel less.

A mild 11km later and i am knackered and freezing.

Note to self, beach runs are better in the summer. But none the less a good start to any day.


Having had my first and only tattoo so far when i was really young (18) i never really put as much thought and passion into it or where it was places as i should have. A lady bug on the inner hip seems wonderfully fun and daring at that age. Until you hit your mid 20's to realise that one day when you do decide to have a baby its gonna develop into something more interesting. So i am thinking it may look more like a lobster.

But i have been getting this feeling that i would love to have another one. So comes the question....can girls have more than one simple hidden tattoo without it being a little trashy? And being in finance where can i place it that is not too conspicuous or visible? And what to have? So many choices and so many decisions.

I have put a few pictures of the ones i love up. Feel free to leave your comments.

Thursday, 25 August 2011


I have decided considering i talk so much, think so much and even do so much, which not put it in writing and write just as much.

So here i find myself trying to figure out how to do this blogging thing. Friends have previously sent me links to their blogs and its seems great if you have family; its all about the kids... if you are a chef; its all about the food....Businessman; its all about the business. Well not being or having either, i figured, i can be completely selfish and have this all about me. What i like what i dislike what i keeps me busy and all the rest.

Now if you are reading this and do not know me, i should probably warn you ahead. In my world, a bucket is a bucket and a spade is a spade. So i apologize if i shock you in any way, but enjoy and hope i can put a smile on your face, share some information of interest or just give you something to help make your breaks go faster.